Friday, October 24, 2008

Where are We The People?

From Vicki, who feels she is the lone reader of her own blog:

I want to do something, anything, to help the McCain-Palin effort. Sometimes I feel there are so many complacent people who are angry, scared, concerned, etc., about where this United States is heading. It doesn't feel like it did even five years ago.

The mainstream media wants to decide this election for us by skewing and skewering---they want us to think it's all buttoned up and we should stay home, not exercising our right, responsibility, and privilege to cast our one vote. I've known the majority of the media was liberal for a long time; however, I have never seen such a sabotage effort against one party. Democracy? Do they not understand unbiased reporting?

It's not good to start every sentence with "I", yet this stream-of-consciousness diatribe demands it today. I wore my McCain-Palin lapel pin (a tiny little rectangle, for pete's sake) and a liberal friend said, "Wow! I can't believe you are wearing that in public!" Why not? Why should I be afraid to advertise my candidates? I've done it since I was six years old with my Goldwater-Miller button from my Dad. Is it not PC to have freedom of expression any more?

I sit here and I'm angry, scared, and concerned. I've done what I could---I voted, I promoted, but I'm just one voice. What happened to all the voices who feel the same? We are way beyond coffee klatch conversations about politics. We have one week to convince, remind, explain, etc., what is going to happen in this country if one party controls the executive and legislative and judicial branches. We have to wake people up!!

Our economy needs help. Our economy can be boosted by lower taxes, free enterprise, more entrepreneurial opportunities (successes and failures are a part of this, so deal with it), and smaller government. It's just that simple, yet mighty complex.

I do pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, need to take back our union!!

Take a minute to sing the Star-Spangled Banner. Think about the words. Think about the good fight our founding fathers fought for our freedom. If you do that and pray to our God (because we are a Christian nation), we might just have a chance to hold up our republic as it was formed. Re-form? No, re-claim.

Whew! That was a therapeutic vent! I invite reasonable and passionate comments, and do listen to other points of view.

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