Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Did anyone see the ads for McCain tonight? I didn't.

From Vicki, who thanks the new readers who have commented on the blog!!

I just called Tom to vent a bit. I was watching Fox News at 6:00 tonight when they were talking about the Obama 30-minute infomercial to be airing on NBC, CBS, Fox, MSNBC, Univision, and another station or two at 8:00 p.m. EDT. The anchor said the McCain campaign had purchased airtime to run a 30-second commercial before and another after the infomercial; in other words, these would be "bookend" commercials---the first thing you'd see and the last thing you'd see. Good strategy.

But, I didn't see a McCain ad on the front end. And, on the back end, I flipped from NBC to CBS to Fox within a matter of seconds and they were all already into their regular programming!! I never saw a McCain ad on any of the three. Were they hidden or will the McCain campaign get a ratings report for October saying "Sorry, your ads were pre-empted on October 29 so you'll get a rebate or we'll run them later."??????

Did anyone see the McCain campaign ads this evening?

Please keep praying and passing the word around about why McCain-Palin is the better choice to lead and serve our country. Thank you.

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