Monday, October 27, 2008

My grandmother was an early woman voter

From Vicki:

The nineteenth amendment giving women the right to vote was ratified in 1920. My maternal grandmother married in 1923. My Mom is a genealogist and remembers this story about her parents:

Daddy thought he had the prerogative of telling Mama how to vote. She said she would vote for whom she pleased....when she went in the voting booth, he kicked the door down. I am sure that must have been quite a spectacle.... They decided after this episode that politics would not be an important factor in their lives.

How fabulous to know a story from my grandmother who was part of the early history of women's voting! She was a strong, gentle, and wise woman who grew up in the South. She worked hard all her life and never asked for a handout. She was always the one who helped everyone else, through her words and actions. I tell you, she would be appalled at politics today, and she would still exercise her right to vote the way she pleased!

Your vote is a right, responsibility, and privilege. Pray about it and use it to help maintain the United States as a Christian nation with capitalism as its economic base.

Vote November 4 for McCain-Palin.

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