Friday, October 31, 2008

I want the free "stuff" and have already voted for it!

From Vicki:

I was listening to Glenn Beck this morning and he mentioned people voting for the candidate who offered the free stuff. (this is paraphrasing.) He played an audio of a woman in Florida who had just been to an Obama rally. She was excited beyond belief because of all Obama wants to do for her.

Well, I'm here to admit: I've already voted and it was for the free stuff. You betcha! No, not for free gas for my car or a free mortgage or free groceries. That can be purchased today.

What I voted for was purchased 200 years ago with the courage, strength, and lives of our founding fathers. And all of that free stuff I voted for has been free to me all my life: it's the free stuff we have in our great Constitution, thanks to those who cared enough and were forward thinking enough to write a document that has transcended the generations. Many of us take it for granted, though we still care about this free stuff and do not want to have a United States that is not representative of these freedoms. God gave those founding fathers such wisdom to want a Christian nation, a democratic republic.

When you vote, think about voting for the free stuff to keep it free, because it hasn't always been that way. McCain-Palin 2008. They love our country and are eager to serve we the people.

Just ask Glenn Beck about the Constitution. He's been a we the people supporter for a long time.

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