Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We the people are so blessed

From Vicki:

It's been a busy weekend. I've had many thoughts about blogs and will get to them soon.

Last Friday evening, Tom and I made the trek to Bristol, Virginia to meet Glenn Beck. We were among more than 600 who wanted to see up close and personal if this real Glenn Beck was the one we knew from radio and television. Yep, he was. He was there to promote and sign his latest book, The Christmas Sweater, a tear-jerking, Kleenex-box-emptying novel based on his life. My family members will enjoy this--shh! Don't want to give away anything.

Glenn gave a brief little talk and we shared a heartfelt tear fest about the change that is happening in our United States and how, if the Fairness Doctrine is put back into play (or they sneak in the back door with the localism rules for radio), he won't be there to speak out on behalf of we the people.

We have to be our voice and keep our Constitution from losing its underpinnings. I feel these being knocked out one by one with the bail outs of all troubled companies....capitalism needs to be shored up. I pray we can continue with the free enterprise that made our country the economic and democratic model for the world. I read today that people living in the EU realize how fortunate we've been and how socialistic modeling just doesn't work in the long run.

Back to the Glenn Beck tour: Tom and I were #231 and #232 because Tom made the hour drive up that morning to secure our places in line. We were in front of Glenn within about 15 minutes---he is a speedy one when it comes to signing. Right before we walked away, I impulsively reached over and gave him a big hug. [Southern people do that spontaneously. Not much about me shocks Tom anymore.] I whispered in Glenn's ear that we were the Tom and Vicki of the pitchfork lapel pin...the ones who had probably annoyed and bugged him for a while! There was an aha! moment, then he said the pins are great. I don't know where he gets his energy---I think he runs on adrenaline most of the time. He was in five cities from Tennessee to south Florida on Saturday!

It's late and I'm heading for home tomorrow for Thanksgiving with my wonderful family. Tom has learned that, while there is an overwhelming crowd, the food is always good and the people are always loving, friendly, and welcoming. After all, it's the Jessiehouse family and we're eating the best of the best recipes from the Jessiehouse, Georgia cookbook. I'll write more on that later.

By the way, if you haven't taken the time to read Old Faithful's comment to the November 20 post, please do. Thanks to him and his son for serving in our military. We are free to enjoy this Thanksgiving because of those two and many others like them.

Say thanks when you see someone in uniform. Treat them to lunch if they're in line in front of you at Mickey D's. They are God's special messengers to protect and keep this wonderful country safe. We should be ever so appreciative.

Have a safe and happy holiday weekend. And, if you are in Georgia, please make sure you vote for Saxby Chambliss. I'm for the filibuster and don't feel that either party should have a filibuster-proof Senate. It limits our freedoms. We need Saxby to ensure that doesn't happen.

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