Friday, November 14, 2008

Cynthia Dunbar and First Amendment Rights

From Vicki:

Tom is to blame for my mania, my voracious need to read all of the articles listed on each day. When we first started dating three years ago, he asked if I kept up with current events. I told him at a moderate level. Later, he told me that he wondered just how much was a moderate level. What I didn't explain was the every-four-year frenzied-level. I think he's figured it out.

I was going to post about my uncle and the military today and I still might. In the meantime, I read this article on about a lawyer in Texas who wrote an opinion column and posted it on the Christian Worldview Network website. She was simply exercising her first amendment rights. She is a believer in our United States Constitution.

The title line is a link to the article I read about Cynthia. The following excerpt from her opinion column was at the bottom of the Star-Telegram article. I felt it worthy of sharing. If we don't speak up now, we might not be able to speak up later. The most wonderful thing about our Constitution: the freedoms we enjoy, not to denigrate others, but to be individuals and express our feelings. God bless Cynthia for her stance and her work to educate others about this United States.

Cynthia Dunbar’s comments

Excerpts from her Nov. 2 post on the Christian Worldview Network Web site. The column has been removed.

Can we truly even imagine an America under an Obama Administration? I sincerely believe that an Obama Administration would ultimately mean one thing . . . the end of America as we know her. First, I cannot understand how we can potentially elect a man who most likely has violated the Constitution in his very attempt to serve as Commander in Chief. "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President," U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1."
If Obama were a natural born citizen who never lost his citizenship through his adoption while living in Indonesia, then why does he obstinately refuse to present valid documentation? The fact that a Federal Court judge did nothing should not surprise any of us. After all, we know all too well the attack this great Country undergoes on a daily basis from our own militant leftist Judicial Branch. Can you imagine how much worse this will get with Obama Appointees?

There is one glimmer of hope in all of this. . . . If in fact Obama is not constitutionally eligible to be president, this is not something he can ever cure. His election, his swearing in and oath of office, his service of three days, three months, three years does not ever truly convey to him the authority of President of the United States. It is void at its inception and, as such, is open to a valid legal attack at any time.

So we can imagine the blatant disregard for our Constitution, but what other threats does an Obama administration pose? We have been clearly warned by his running mate, Joe Biden, that America will suffer some form of attack within the first six months of Obama’s administration. However, unlike Joe, I do not believe this "attack" will be a test of Obama’s mettle. Rather, I perceive it will be a planned effort by those with whom Obama truly sympathizes to take down the America that is threat to tyranny. What nobody seems to be discussing is the fact that if such an attack takes place, what about Martial Law? What happens to expand executive power when a state of civil disorder is declared?

A link to Cynthia's website is on the left side of the blog if you want to read more about her and her beliefs.

If you haven't done so this week, thank someone who is or has served in our United States military. You'll feel good and so will that honorable and respectful freedom fighter whose smile you will remember.

God Bless America!

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