Saturday, October 18, 2008


From Vicki

I was listening to talk radio yesterday afternoon and heard about a meeting to take place last night. This lady, Ann, said she received a direct message from God to do something to help our country during this upcoming election. I went to the meeting and was amazed to find about 35 people who were of like mind, worried about the future of our republic and concerned we hadn't learned from the past. The election is in two weeks. Ann plans to have caravans with signage going to the swing states of Ohio, Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, etc., to carry information about voting and the candidates. Reaching young people with the message about the two platforms in an easy-to-read, quickly explained format is the key.

Ann's new web page link is listed above. She got her idea from William Bennett's speech about sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs. The sheep need the sheepdogs to protect them from the predator wolves, so sheepdogs must have a vicious instinct but a compassionate one, also.

I was inspired by this lady. I had wondered what on earth I could do in the state of Tennessee to help affect the votes in those swing states. Now I know. I can help with my God-given talents to produce some interesting, to-the-point handouts about our wonderful country and how we need to protect our freedom.

As I learned in Sunday School years ago (and my Mom happened to be my teacher that year), I can't hide my talents in a drawer and expect them not to grow stagnant. They need to be used and used well.

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