I haven't written since Thanksgiving mainly because there are so many things going on it has been difficult to select any specific topic.
Today I am thankful for our military families. They choose to serve without mandary requirement; they volunteer. It is so amazing to me that these Americans, like our humble founding fathers, are willing to give their lives to protect the freedoms of all of us. Many put themselves in harm's way every day for our liberty. Many leave dear families behind to stay strong and continue on while they are in harm's way. God bless them.
We are not worthy of their allegiance just because we are Americans.
We are fortunate because we are Americans.
My uncle was a 23-year retired Marine who served in WWII and the Korean War. His sacrifices were great. My grandparents, mother, and aunt gave up the most when their son and brother was serving, yet they understood we must always win the fight for freedom. I remember my uncle fondly and with great respect.
If we allow our elected representatives to misuse, overstep, and ignore our precious Constitution, we are the ones to blame. If we allow these same representatives to forget they are elected to serve, we are to blame. If we allow our government to give strength to those who want to do us harm by not providing enough support for our military, we are to blame.
We have the voice and the vote. We have to speak.